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SDG #17 - Partnership for the Goals

Imagine if...

help at an international level could be provided to developing countries.

Meet Sustainable Development Goal 17

Strengthen global partnerships for sustainable development.

Why this cause needs your support

The world is more interconnected than ever before, yet millions of people lack basic resources and finances. Improving access to technology and knowledge is a crucial way to share ideas and foster innovation, eventually leveling the playing field for all. Investing in the least developed countries and removing trade barriers can boost economic...

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The need is now

$155.5 billion

in green bonds for sustainable business, an increase of over 78% from 2017.

The goal of this fund is to strengthen global partnerships for sustainable development.

To accomplish this goal, this Fund is supporting the following strategies


Financial resources should be allocated to developing countries from multiple sources, including through international partnerships, so that those countries can better support themselves. In tandem, it would be important to find investment opportunities that would generate funds; taxes and other forms of revenue collection could then be applied to any debts and lead to longer-term sustainability for the region.

Supporting some of the best organizations

Global Greengrants Fund mobilizes resources for communities worldwide to protect our shared planet and work toward a more equitable world. Its vision is to achieve global environmental justice, rooted in cultural integrity, led by communities and grassroots movements.

Founded in 1984, InterAction represents the largest coalition of U.S.-based international nongovernmental organizations unified to address the diverse needs of people living in the world's most neglected, vulnerable and fragile countries. We advocate for those working on the front lines of poverty, injustice and inequality as we endeavor to improve lives and livelihoods, and empower individual and collective human potential. As the voice of the U.S.-based INGO sector, we also advocate for more effective development and humanitarian budgets, policies and practices with government leaders and global funders by showcasing our members' work, outcomes and impacts. Their unique front-line perspectives and insights – informed, transparent, and evidence-based – help to shape meaningful and sustainable foreign assistance and activities.

The International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP) is the only global donor affinity group dedicated to Indigenous Peoples worldwide. International Funders for Indigenous Peoples seeks to transform the relationship between the funding world and Indigenous Peoples to one of mutual understanding and benefit. It recognizes the urgent need for solutions that are led and understood by Indigenous Peoples not only to improve lives in Indigenous communities, but also as a resource for solving social, economic and environmental challenges around the world for everyone. IFIP is led by donors and Indigenous leaders to advance a new movement in philanthropy that better values, supports and partners with Indigenous communities. Donors and Indigenous leaders are afforded unique opportunities to respectfully learn from one another at our regional meetings and international donor summits. This face-to-face engagement plants the seeds for trust and enduring collaborations. We build capacity for both Indigenous communities seeking support and donors interested in high impact philanthropy. Personalized encounters, buttressed by social media, case studies and original research on best practices, form the cornerstones of IFIP’s strategy.

Global Partnerships (GP) is an impact-first investor whose mission is to expand opportunity for people living in poverty. For 25 years we have pioneered and invested in sustainable solutions that help people living in poverty increase their incomes and improve their lives, with investments in livelihoods, education, energy, health, housing, and sanitation. Since inception through September 30, 2020, GP and its affiliated funds have deployed $474.3 million in impact-first investments in 161 partners, bringing meaningful impact to nearly 22.1 million lives.

The UN Foundation believes the United Nations is indispensable to tackling humanity’s greatest challenges and driving global progress. We act as a strategic partner to help the UN mobilize the ideas, people, and resources it needs to deliver, and grow a diverse and durable constituency for collective action. We focus on issues at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals, build initiatives across sectors to solve problems at scale, and engage influencers and citizens who seek action. Partnership, and the power of smart and strategic collaboration, is in our DNA. We believe everyone has a part to play, everyone’s voice should be heard, and everyone has a stake.

Meet your Fund manager: an expert in this cause area

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The 17 SDGs are interconnected and integrated, and reaching these goals requires balancing...

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